Managing my Adhd

 Since giving birth, my ADHD has been acting up. My thoughts are scattered, and I find myself transitioning from one state of depression to another. I spend my nights endlessly scrolling, my home is a mess, and motherhood feels overwhelming.

So, as someone with ADHD, I have been hyperfocusing on finding solutions. I have immersed myself in Instagram content about ADHD, watched countless hours of YouTube videos, and spent hours googling. Here is what I am currently trying:

Taking supplements:

  • High dose of vitamin D:

    With autumn, I am not getting enough sunlight, which affects my mood. So, I am taking a supplement to compensate for that.

  • Omega 3 (EPA and DHA) and ginkgo supplement:

    This is to support brain health, memory, and concentration.

  • Melatonin:

    This is to improve the quality of my sleep.

Taking my medicine

So, I have always struggled with taking my medication consistently. I am prescribed Ritalin (methylphenidate), but I have been responsible for determining my own dosage. Initially, I took a very low dose because a higher dose tends to make me feel like an emotionless zombie. Then, I went through a seven-year infertility journey during which I didn't take any Ritalin at all. Surprisingly, I managed fine without it. However, after giving birth to my son, things took a turn for the worse. I felt like a complete mess. I got a new prescription filled after giving birth and took it continuously for two weeks, which helped prevent postnatal depression. Unfortunately, I eventually stopped taking it.

Considering my current depression, I believe it's time to take my medication seriously. I should make a doctor's appointment to discuss getting on a regular and appropriate dosage. So that’s going on the to do list!

Getting rid of the mess.

So, my house is a mess, and I believe I have finally commited to organizing and cleaning it. But as someone with ADHD often does, I am starting to feel overwhelmed. To alleviate this, I have asked my mom to come and babysit, and I have offered to host Christmas at my house.

Now, I understand what you might be thinking: "Why would you do that?" But here is my reasoning: I work well under deadlines! Impressing my mom with a clean house is a strong motivation for me (we can discuss that therapist's talking point another time).

I hate to admit it, but having a tidy house does contribute to a tidy mind.

I will keep you informed about my progress.


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